[Apartment interior, kitchen.]
[Residence. Interior, kitchen.]
[Kitchen cabinets and sink.]
East 98th Street and Fifth Avenue. Mt. Sinai Hospital. Nurses home
1165 5th Avenue and 98th Street. Apartments exterior.
[Broadway and West 98th Street. Building under construction.]
East 98th Street. School for Nursing, Mt. Sinai Hospital. Dining room.
141 East 44th Street. Woolsey Apartment. Interior, kitchen equipment installed in 8th floor apartment
[Interior, kitchen.]
98th St Yard
5th Avenue. H. Payne Whitney residence, kitchen.
[Interior, laundry room.]
East 125th Street. Strand Theatre, interior.
12 East 86th Street. Hotel Croydon. Interior, kitchenette
[315 West 98th Street.]
[Hospital. Interior, lab at sink.]
258 Riverside Drive at the corner of West 98th Street. Peter Stuyvesant Apartment House.
Chateau Apartment. Interior, kitchen