[Surrogate's Court and Hall of Records building, 31 Chambers Street.]
Hall of Records, Chamber St., New - York.
Hall of Records, New York City.
Hall of Records. Oak Court Room.
Hall of Records. Mahogany Court Room.
Chamber Street Elevation. Hall of Records.
New York City, Hall of Records City, N.Y.
Hall of Records. Interior Corporation Council Office.
Hall of Records. Panel "Civilization" in Oak Court Room.
Hall of Records. Panel "Wisdom in Oak Court Room.
Hall of Records. Panel "Degradation" in Oak Court Room.
Hall of Records. Panel "Force" in Oak Court Room.
Hall of Records. Panel "Truth" in Oak Court Room.
Hall of Records. Rotunda, looking at stairs.
Hall of Records -- New York
Hall of Records, New York
Hall of Records, New York.