[Two little girls with a kitchen play set.]
[Two women and little girl having tea.]
[Women listening to little girl play piano.]
[Apartment interior, children playing with toys.]
[Woman blow-drying little girl's hair.]
[Little girl at the New York World's Fair.]
[Little girl at Frank Buck's Jungleland, New York World's Fair.]
[Women and little girl in a parlor.]
Girl with toy Pordell Projector.
[Two girls waving from caboose, New York World's Fair.]
[Two girls at Trains on Display, New York World's Fair.]
[Two girls inside train car, New York World's Fair.]
[Two girls standing in front of Minnetonka railroad, New York World's Fair.]
[Child playing in garden.]
[Children playing in garden.]
[Two boys playing cards on the sidewalk.]
[Man and little girl with camera, New York World's Fair.]
Jackson Heights. Private kindergarten. Interior, classroom with children playing
[New York World's Fair. Two girls sitting in bleachers.]