67 Broad Street. International Telephone and Telegraph Building
Broad Street and Beaver Street. International Telephone Building, main entrance.
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street [Entrance.]
Broad Street and Beaver Street. International Telephone Building.
Broadway and Dey Street. New York Telephone and Telegraph Building. Fulton Street entrance.
International Telephone and Telegraph Comany Building, 67 Broad Street [Detail of tower.]
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street [Facade and tower detail.]
195 Broadway at the corner of Dey Street. New York Telephone and Telegraph Building. Detail of Broadway entrance.
Broad Street. Combustion Engineering Building
Broad and Pearl Street. N.Y. Telephone Building.
60 Wall Street [70 Pine Street.] Cities Service building. Main entrance
63 Wall Street. Detail new entrance
International Telephone and Telegraph Company Building, 67 Broad Street [From Bowling Green.]
15 Broad Street. Equitable Trust Company Building