[Charles Waldron as Captain Frank Dale and Isobel Elsom as Moll Flanders in "American Landscape".]
[Charles Waldron as Captain Frank Dale and Lillian Foster as Harriet Beecher Stowe in "American Landscape".]
[Charles Waldron as Captain Frank Dale in "American Landscape".]
[Con MacSunday as Captain Heinrich Kleinschmidt, Charles Waldron as Captain Frank Dale, Charles Dingle as Captain Samuel Dale, and George Macready as Captain Anthony Dale in "American Landscape".]
["American Landscape" theater still.]
[Rachel Hartzell as Frances Dale Spinner, George Macready as Captain Anthony Dale, and Phoebe Foster as Carlotta Dale in "American Landscape".]
[Sylvia Weld as Constance Dale, Howard Miller as William Fiske, and Charles Dingle as Captain Samuel Dale in "American Landscape".]
[Lillian Foster as Nancy Green and Raymond Massey as Abe Lincoln in "Abe Lincoln in Illinois".]
[Sylvia Weld as Constance Dale and Howard Miller as William Fiske in "American Landscape".]
[Sylvia Weld as Constance Dale and Theodore Newton as Joe Kutno in "American Landscape".]
[Flora Robson as Ellen Creed and Isobel Elsom as Leonora Fiske in "Ladies in Retirement".]
[Isobel Elsom as Mrs. Grose and Beatrice Straight as Miss Giddens in "The Innocents".]
[Rachel Hartzell as Frances Dale Spinner and Donald Cook as Gerald Spinner in "American Landscape".]
[Charles Waldron as Gray Meredith, Janet Beecher as Margaret Fairfield and Katharine Cornell as Sydney Fairfield in "A Bill of Divorcement".]
[Beatrice Straight as Miss Giddens, Iris Mann as Flora and Isobel Elsom as Mrs. Grose in "The Innocents".]
[Katharine Cornell as Joan and Charles Waldron as The Archbishop of Rheims in Scene 2 of "Saint Joan".]
["American Landscape" theater still, Act 3.]
[Charles Waldron as Edward Moulton-Barrett and Katharine Cornell as Elizabeth Barrett in "The Barretts of Wimpole Street".]
[Charles Waldron as Edward Moulton-Barrett in "The Barretts of Wimpole Street".]