Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr looking at an elaborately costumed woman.]
Art Students League Ball [Elaborately costumed guests walking past Deborah Kerr.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr in costume.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr and costumed guests.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr being carried through the crowds at the ball.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr with elaborately costumed guests on stage.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr on stage.]
Art Students League Ball [Woman in a swan costume and Deborah Kerr entering the party on litters and the crowd at the party.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr and others on stage.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr with two costumed men.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr with people in elaborate costumes on stage.]
Art Students League Ball [Elaborately costumed guests with Deborah Kerr on a stage.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr, in costume, holding a scepter.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr entering the ball on a litter.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr at a mirror.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr with a costumed man.]
Art Students League Ball [Deborah Kerr preparing for the ball.]