Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Milton Berle with a woman at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Milton Berle giving a woman a valise at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Man and a woman on stage at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Milton Berle with a man and a woman at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Milton Berle hosting the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Milton Berle on the phone at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Man and a woman on the set of the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Milton Berle with a woman and a young man at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Man with Milton Berle at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Set of the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Milton Berle with three women at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Woman singing at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Milton Berle with a woman and a man at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Milton Berle with guests at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Milton Berle with two women at the telethon.]
Milton Berle - Damon Runyon Cancer Fund [Milton Berle at the telethon.]