Art Students League Ball [Dance floor at the party.]
Art Students League Ball [Costumed party guests dancing.]
Art Students League Ball [Costumed partygoers dancing.]
Art Students League Ball [Elaborately costumed couple dancing.]
Art Students League Ball [Three identically costumed party guests sitting on the dance floor.]
Art Students League Ball [Costumed group dancing at the party.]
Art Students League Ball [Various party guests.]
Art Students League Ball [Costumed partygoers.]
Art Students League Ball [Costumed woman.]
Art Students League Ball [Couple kissing.]
Art Students League Ball [Costumed partygoers kissing.]
Art Students League Ball [Costumed women.]
Art Students League Ball [Costumed man.]
Art Students League Ball [Police and photographers on stage as couples dance at the party.]
Art Students League Ball [Scene at the party.]
Art Students League Ball [Costumed party-goer.]