Greenwich Street at the N.E. corner of Canal Street. Depew Building.
145-49 Sixth Avenue, #1 Dominick St., N.Y.C,.
75 Varick Street. Holland Plaza Building
278-280 Madison Ave. N.Y.C.
Hotel Pennsylvania, N.Y.C.
Canal Street at the S.W. corner of Broadway. National City Bank.
Greenwich Street at the N.E. corner of Spring Street. Building.
551-559 Greenwich Street. Garage at N.E. corner of Charlton Street.
Bowling Green Building #11 Broadway N.Y.C.
Thomas Cook Building, 587 Fifth Avenue N.Y.C.
Hotel Pennsylvania. N.Y.C. Simon Ventilighter Co.
#218-220 West 84th Street N.Y.C.
International Business Machines Co. 590 Madison Ave. N.Y.C.
234 East 52nd Street N.Y.C.
[Canal Street and West Broadway. Dismantling the remains of the Sixth Avenue El.]
214 Sullivan Street.
Washington Street and King Street. Baker Smith and Co. Building.
148-50 Greene Street.
189 Varick Street at the corner of King Street. Tenements.
Vicinity of 190 Prince Street. View of model tenements [street scene].showing range in kitchen.