P.S. #49. William J. Gaynor High School. Graham Ave. & Scholes St. Brooklyn, N.Y.
P.S. #49. William J. Gaynor High School. Graham Ave & Scholes St. Brooklyn, N.Y.
[Apartment complex.]
The State Bank. Williamsburg Branch. [Graham Avenue and Varet Street]
[Jackson Heights apartment complex.]
[Tennis court and housing complex.]
2925 Matthews Avenue. Apartment complex
Grand Street and Graham Avenue, N.E. corner. Old buildings, Graham Avenue elevation.
Tower Apartment complex. Exterior with garden
735 Walton Avenue. Apartment complex
[Apartment complex and garden.]
116th Street and Seventh Avenue. Graham Court Apartment House, courtyard.
Apartment complex exterior
523 Commonwealth Avenue. Academy Housing Project. Gardens in courtyard