P.S. #49. William J. Gaynor High School. Graham Ave & Scholes St. Brooklyn, N.Y.
Graham Avenue and Scholes Street. Housing complex
P.S. 107. Seward & Croes Aves. Bronx. New York
[P.S. No. 170.]
Saint Rosalia School Brooklyn N.Y.
Keap Street and Marcy Avenue. Eastern District Brooklyn High School.
[St. Augustine's Parochial School, Larchmont, N.Y., Auditurium.]
P.S. 107. Seward & Croes Aves. Bronx. New York. Looking Into Entrance Lobby From Main Entrance
Boys' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Marion Avenue and 187th Street. P.S. 85.
Boys High School, Brooklyn, N.Y.
[St. Veronica School N.Y.]
Girl's High School, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Kingston Avenue and Winthrop Street. Gen. Wingate, Jr., High School.
The State Bank. Williamsburg Branch. [Graham Avenue and Varet Street]
Girl's High School, Brooklyn N.Y.
P.S. 32 Brooklyn, Vacation Schools, August 13th 1902.
Commercial High School, Brooklyn, N.Y.
1067 Ocean View Avenue, Brighton Beach. P.S. 225
Borden's Farm Products Co. #90 Third Ave. Brooklyn N.Y. Looking S.E. on Roof from Dean St. end of Building