214-220 East 21st St. New York City. Looking N.W. at Easterly Gable Wall to 210-12 East 21st. St.
340 East 77th Street New York City - North front wall to rear buil[d]ing in courtyard - Back of 340 East 77th Street, view looking south
214-220 East 21st St. New York City. View looking S.E. at Westerly Gable Wall to 222 East 21st St.
Apartment building, view looking N.W. at east gable wall to 320 East 71st Street, legal record photo, 11:06 A.M.
322-24 East 71st Street. Additional view from N.E. looking S.W. of wall to 320 East 71st Street, 11:34 A.M.
Mother of Zion M.E. Church West 137th St. N.Y.C. From South Foundation Wall near center[?] looking N.W. at West Wall and [...] of North Wall
443-45-47 East 74th St. New York. Looking North East From South Side of Street
22 East 71st Street. Forstmann residence
327 East 119th St. New York City. Front or South Wall to 327 East 119th St. View From Stoop to 326 East 119th St. Looking North
[Looking North from west end of 71st Street footbridge.]
N.E. Cor. 71st St. & Fifth Ave. New York City. General View of Front to #3 East 71 St. N.Y.C.
173 East 71st Street. R. S. Hooker residence
[3-5-7 East 71st Street, C. Vanderbilt mansion.]
West 71st Street. Blessed Sacrament Church, Exterior
138 East 71st Street.
309 East 112th St. New York City. From Stoop at 306 East 112th St. Looking North-East at 309 East 112th St.
14 East 71st Street. Residence.
South-West Corner 63rd St. and Madison Ave. East Gable Wall to 22 East 63rd Street
113 East 71st Street. Residence.
[South side of East 71st Street between Park and Lexington Avenues.]