East 26th Street and Fourth Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden
East 26th Street and Fourth Avenue, southwest corner. Ogden Mills Building
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden. Fourth Avenue side
4th Avenue at the S.W. corner of 26th Street. Hess Building.
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden. 26th Street side
East 24th Street and Madison Avenue, southeast corner. Madison Square Presbyterian Church
East 34th Street and Park Avenue. 71st Regiment Armory building
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden
26th Street and Fifth Avenue. Park and Tilford Building
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue, southeast corner. [Jeanette] Jerome residence
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Madison Square Garden, detail of tower
Madison Avenue near East 26th Street. Madison Square Apartments.
109 West 26th Street. Office building.
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden. 27th Street side
West 57th Street and Fifth Avenue. Whitney Residence