34th Street at the corner of Park Avenue. 71st Regiment Armory.
[Park Ave and 34th Street. 71st Regiment Armory.]
East 87th Street and Fifth Avenue. Henry Phipps residence
East 34th Street and Madison Avenue. Cameron Building.
[Park Avenue north from 34th Street, taken from the 71st Regiment Armory.]
West 57th Street and Fifth Avenue. Whitney Residence
Park Avenue - 33rd to 34th Sts. [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William H. Clark residence
[Park Avenue and 34th Street.]
5th Avenue and 34th Street. Knickerbocker Trust.
East 26th Street and Fourth Avenue. Hess Building
16-32 East 34th Street. Prudential Building
East 24th Street and Madison Avenue, southeast corner. Madison Square Presbyterian Church
[East 34th St., Looking West from Lexington Ave.]
Lexington Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets. 69th Regiment Armory building.
[Park Avenue at 34th Street.]
317 East 34th Street. Granulator Soap Company. Interior, oven furnace
Park Avenue and 34th Street [Market Street to Park Avenue & 41st Street]
34th Street and Lexington Ave. N.Y. [Lexington Avenue. Looking South from 34th Street.]
34th Street and 5th Avenue. B. Altman and Co. Store, finished view.