363 Johnson Avenue. Kings Brewing Company. Large hanging double faced neon sign
363 Johnson Avenue. Kings Brewing Company. Half keg neon sign
363 Johnson Avenue. Kings Brewing Company. Whole keg neon sign
363 Johnson Avenue. Kings Brewery, advertising sign
363 Johnson Avenue. Kings Brewery. Advertising signs
[David Stevenson Brewing Company, 521 10th Avenue.]
[F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Company.]
Layout of malt grains and crushed malt grains to show uniformity
Set of bungs and keystone bushes
193 Melrose Street. Interboro Brewery. Portrait of Brewmaster Reid
Wallabout Street and Franklin Avenue. Kool Morgan Optical Company
135 Johnson Street. Edward Weck and Company Plant
Sheffield Avenue. Piel Brothers Brewery stockhouse E