East 70th Street and York Avenue. Cornell Medical Center. Entrance
York Avenue from East 68th Street to East 71st Street. Cornell New York Hospital Medical Center. General view of group from Welfare Island
"Cornell Medical Center." York Avenue, 68th Street.
[Park Avenue and East 68th Street.]
[East 68th Street and Madison Avenue.]
68th to 70th Street and York Avenue. N.Y. Hospital, Cornell Medical Center, general view from York Avenue and 68th Street.
[Townhouses on East 68th Street.]
49 East 68th Street. Havemeyer residence.
New York Hospital and Cornell Medical College
[315 East 68th Street. Apartment building.]
East 68th Street and Lexington Avenue. Hunter College
315 East 68th Street. Apartment building
43 East 68th Street. Frederick R. Brooks house.
41 East 68th Street. Edw. M. Sparrow residence.
47 East 68th Street. Anson M. Beard residence.
East 70th Street at the East River. New York Hospital. Lying-in Hospital, women's clinic
West 165th Street and Fort Washington Avenue. Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. Neurological Institute
353 East 68th Street. German Reformed Church of America.
West 168th Street and Fort Washington Avenue. Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. College of Physicians and Surgeons, construction view