927 Castleton Avenue. West New Brighton Court House
976 Castleton Avenue. New York Public Library, West New Brighton branch
976 Castleton Avenue. New York Public Library, West New Brighton branch. Interior
976 Castleton Avenue. New York Public Library, West New Brighton branch. Interior of children's room
Castleton, Staten Island. Castleton Apartment House.
Castleton Park, New Brighton. Richmond Borough, N.Y.
George William Curtis House - West Brighton, Staten Island. July 31, 1950.
43rd Street and Fourth Avenue. Municipal Court House
1067 Ocean View Avenue, Brighton Beach. P.S. 225
106th Street and West End Avenue. Stanley Court.
Brook Avenue and Third Avenue. Magistrates court, 6th District
315-317 West 98th Street. Holland Court Apartment House.
[Supreme Court-Appellate Division. 27 Madison Avenue]
225 West 69th Street. Roosevelt Court Apartment House.
East 22nd Street. Childrens Court House.
[Lexington Avenue and East 22nd Street. Domestic Relations Court, Family Court building.]
West End Avenue at the S.W. corner of West 88th Street. Apartment house.
530 West End Avenue at the S.E. corner of West 86th Street. Apartment house.
Christ Church, New Brighton, S.I.