465 Lexington Avenue between 45th and 46th Street.
Lexington Avenue and East 45th Street. Grand Central Station and Post Office.
[Lexington Avenue and 46th Street.]
East 46th Street and Madison Avenue. Marlin-Rockwell Building
East 46th Street and Park Avenue, northwest corner. Postum Building
East 46th Street. Building, watercolor rendering.
140 East 46th Street. The Guilford Apartments. Interior, living room
East 46th Street and Madison Avenue. Marlin Rockwell Building
Canyon: 46th Street and Lexington Avenue
East 46th Street and Park Avenue. New York Central Building. Assembly of statuary in clock face
[East 49th Street and Lexington Avenue. Hotel Shelton. Construction view.]
East 42nd Street and Park Avenue. Grand Central Station, Liggetts Drugstore. Construction view
[5th Avenue between 45th and 46th Streets.]
Lexington Avenue between East 48th Street and East 49th Street. Shelton Hotel
East 42nd Street and Fourth Avenue. Grand Central Terminal.
Fifth Avenue and 46th Street.