Old New York City view. Wall Street looking east from Trinity Church tower
[View of Trinity Church from Wall Street.]
55 Wall Street. National City Bank Co., entrance
Wall Street and William Street [Wall Street]
Longacre Square. Street view looking north from Times Building, about 1907
Wall Street and Broadway. Trinity Church. Interior, decorated for 1876 centennial
30-32 Wall Street. Assay Office.
City Hall
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan
Wall Street [Wall Street]
[Steel frame for National Bridge Works.]
Wall Street at the corner of Water Street. Wall and Water Street Building.
Wall Street and Broad Street [Wall Street]
[52 Wall Street.]
Hanover Street and Beaver Street. Brown Brothers
East 26th Street and Fourth Avenue. Hess Building
Wall Street [Wall Street to Waverly Place]
Wall Street and Broadway [Wall Street]