25 Duane Street. China firing kilns
Bowery. China firing kiln. Consolidated Gas Company
25 Duane Street. Showing Co., china kiln large oven for firing china.
[Firing china, man adding wood to a kiln.]
189 Duane Street. Thomas J. Golden Company. Interior, confectioners oven and kiln
189 Duane Street. Thomas J. Golden Company. Interior, cooking peanuts
299 Broadway at Duane Street. Barclay Building.
Duane Street.
137-39 Duane Street. Diamond Shoe Company
[Hudson Street Looking North from Duane Street.]
Mrs. O'Hara sitting at her kiln for firing china.
24 East 31st Street. Heinigke and Bowen, stained glass kiln.
Broadway and Duane Street. Schraffts restaurant, interior.
21-25 East Houston Street.
Baxter Street and Worth Street. Cantonment #2.
Baxter Street and Worth Street. Cantonment #1.
Hester Street corner of Elizabeth Street. Office, interior.
52nd Street and Fifth Avenue. Vantines Store. Interior
122-124 East 25th Street.