[444 Madison Avenue, lobby.]
[444 Madison Avenue, outside lobby.]
[444 Madison Avenue, mailbox in lobby.]
608 Fifth Avenue. Goelet Building. Interior, elevator lobby
444 Madison Avenue. View looking south down Madison Avenue
[299 Madison Avenue. Main lobby.]
299 Madison Avenue. Main lobby.
608 Fifth Avenue. Goelet Building. Interior, elevator cab ceiling detail
383-85 Madison Avenue. Main lobby and elevator hall, north side.
608 Fifth Avenue. Goelet Building. Interior, elevator cab
608 Fifth Avenue. Goelet Building. Interior, entrance lobby
444 Madison Avenue at East 49th Street. General view from northeast
135 Madison Avenue. Interior, lobby
Pine Street. Goldman-Sachs Building. Interior, elevator lobby
[Detail of elevator door.]
385 Madison Avenue and 47th Street [Manhattan Savings Bank.]