[444 Madison Avenue, mailbox in lobby.]
[444 Madison Avenue, lobby.]
[444 Madison Avenue, outside lobby.]
[444 Madison Avenue, main lobby elevator bank.]
444 Madison Avenue. View looking south down Madison Avenue
105 Madison Avenue. Loft Building, view looking up
444 Madison Avenue at East 49th Street. General view from northeast
[299 Madison Avenue. Main lobby.]
[East 40th Street and Madison Avenue. Man at overflowing mailbox.]
420 Lexington Avenue. Graybar Building. Interior, mailbox
250 Park Avenue. Postum Building
250 Park Avenue. Postum Building. Entrance
750 3rd Avenue Between 46th and 47th Street. [Construction view], Welding to Frame
285 Madison Avenue. Stein, Hall and Company. Interior, large lobby
Rockefeller Center. Construction, steel frame. View from 444 Madison Avenue
350 Fifth Avenue. Empire State building. Interior, mailbox
750 3rd Avenue Between 46th and 47th Street. [Construction view], Bolting Uprights to Building Frame
East 26th Street and Fourth Avenue, southwest corner. Ogden Mills Building