60 Wall Street [70 Pine Street.] View of Cities Services Building and Lower Manhattan
[View of Lower Manhattan, with the City Bank-Farmers Trust, Trump and 70 Pine Street buildings visible.]
25 Broad Street at Exchange Place. Broad Exchange Building.
20 Broad Street. General view from N.E., [taken from] J.P. Morgan bank roof.
Broad Street & The Continental Bank Bldg.
[Drawing of the Continental Bank Building, 30 Broad Street.]
15 Broad Street. Equitable Trust Company Building
Broad and Beaver Streets. Seaboard National Bank
Exchange Place and Broadway. Chase National Bank building
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan
Building, Continental Bank Bldg., 30 Broad Street. (made from U.S. Subtreasury steps, Wall Street.).
City view from 120 Wall Street looking northwest
67 Broad Street. International Telephone and Telegraph Building
37 Broad Street. Lee-Higginson, bankers. Interior
15 Broad Street. The Equitable Trust Company
[Aerial view of Lower Manhattan.]
Broad Street and Beaver Street. Seaboard National Bank. Interior
Building, 30 Broad Street.
43-47 Broad Street. Combustion Engineering Building