166-02 Jamaica Avenue at 166th Street. Spear & Company, furniture store
Livingston Street and Hanover Place. Spear & Company, furniture store
3rd Avenue near 150th Street. Piser Bros. Furniture Store interior.
Westchester Avenue and 3rd Avenue. Teitelbaum's Furniture Store.
[Spear & Company building, 22 West 34th Street.]
39th Street and Fifth Avenue. Kress and Company. Store from above
Westchester Avenue and 3rd Avenue. Teitelbaum's Furniture Store ground floor interior.
195-02 Jamaica Avenue [Hollis]. Thomas J. Nagle Paper Corp.
38th Street and Fifth Avenue. Franklin Simon and Company Store
624 5th Avenue at 50th Street. Kirkpatrick Store, front and canopy.
34th Street and Fifth Avenue. B. Altman and Company Store
160-08 Jamaica Avenue.
2174 3rd Avenue. Michigan Furniture Co.
89-63 163rd Street. Jamaica Telephone Company, section D.
624 5th Avenue at 50th Street. Kirkpatrick Store, general exterior.
[Cripps store, Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.]
50th Street and 5th Avenue. Kirkpatrick Store, general interior.
West 34th Street. R.H. Macy and Company Store. Annex on 34th Street