68th Street and Central Park West, S.W. corner. 2nd Church of Christ, Scientist, interior.
68th Street and Central Park West, S.W. corner. 2nd Church of Christ, Scientist, exterior.
6 West 96th Street. Second Presbyterian Church. Interior, organ
353 East 68th Street. German Reformed Church of America.
[Second Church of Christ, Scientist, 77 Central Park West.]
65th Street at the N.W. corner of Central Park West. Evangelical Lutheran Church of Holy Trinity.
West 104th Street. Christ M.E. Church interior.
[Park Avenue and East 68th Street.]
West 69th Street and Central Park West. The Brentmore Apartments
[70th Street and Central Park West.]
71-75 Central Park West at the corner of West 67th Street. Chatham Court Apartment House.
353 East 68th Street. German Reformed Church of America, interior.
East 68th Street and Park Avenue. View looking south down Park Avenue towards NY Central Building
[Townhouses on East 68th Street.]
49 East 68th Street. Havemeyer residence.
[68th Street corner of Park Avenue.]
93rd Street and Central Park West, S.W. corner.