East 58th Street. Street opening, wiping joint of lead pipe on street
Rossman & Bracken, Plumbers.
237 East 37th Street. Murray Hill High School. Lead pipe set up with plumbing students
[Model of a building.]
[Model of a bridge.]
Plumbing, view of flange connection, lead pipe
237 East 37th Street. Murray Hill High School. Lead pipe set up
Model of a monument for Union Square
Model of First Infantry Division Memorial, World War II, with First Division Memorial, World War I
Boucher Manufacturing Company. Boat model
[Model of Rockefeller Center.]
[Model of children's playhouse.]
Model of The Towers, general view
Repairing a joint on New York Public Library using lead.
15 East 40th Street. View showing copper piping in men's toilet, 11th floor, with man, plumber Savenio Pascale.