[Artef collective.]
"The Good Soldier Schweik"
["Hersch Leckerts" at Camp Nit Gediget (No Worries) in Beacon, New York.]
Bacchanal from "At the Gates"
"Uriel Acosta"
"The Brothers Ashenazi"
"The Bloody Laughter"
[Scene from "200,000".]
"Earth Arises" [Music for "The Saint's Journey".]
"Rivington strit" ["Rivington Street"], "Der step brent" ["A Steppe in Flames"].
"The Miracle of the Warsaw Ghetto"
[Hershel Gendel and other performers in "Aristocrats", adapted from Sholem Aleichem's "Mentshn".]
[Fela Biro and other performers in "Aristocrats", adapted from Sholem Aleichem's "Mentshn".]
"The Family Carnovsky"
Maurice Schwartz as "Noah Pandre" in "Song of the Dnieper" by Zalmen Schneour