Library [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Dining room [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Daughter's bedroom [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Owner's bedroom [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Front parlor facing 40th Street [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Granddaughter's bedroom [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Front parlor, library in background [Residence of William DeForest Manice, 4 West 40th Street.]
Mrs. I. Wormser Jr.'s Residence, 26 West 54th St. Entrance hall
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, entrance hall at stairs.
General F. Halsey Residence. 22 West 53rd Street N.Y.C. Entrance hall
Residence of John C. Tomlinson, Sr., 15 East 92nd Street [Entrance hall.]
[William C. Whitney Residence. 68th St. & 5th Ave., N.Y.C. Entrance hall.]
Residence of John C. Tomlinson, Sr., 15 East 92nd Street [Living room looking to the entrance hall.]
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, front entrance hall.
[William Goadby Loew's Residence, 261 Madison Ave., N.Y. Entrance hall.]
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, entrance hall.
Mrs. Julius Loeb's Residence [...] Street & Madison Avenue, N.Y. Entrance hall
Scientific American Building, 24-26 West 40th Street [Entrance.]