[Edwin Booth in the title role of "Hamlet".]
Portrait, Thomas Platt (Republican Boss) in Office at Wells F.E. Co.
[Peter Cooper.]
[William Evarts.]
[Edwin Booth in the title role of "Richelieu".]
[Edwin Booth as Iago in "Othello".]
[Kate Douglas-Wiggin.]
Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others [Unidentified man.]
Olive Redpath
Col. Theo. Roosevelt
[Lawrence Barrett as Cassius in "Julius Caesar".]
[John Howard Van Amringe.]
[Ulysses S. Grant.]
[Ella Wheeler Wilcox.]
[Violet Mersereau in "The Clansman".]
[Ira A. Hards as Gavin Dishart in "The Little Minister".]