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[Mrs. George Gould (ne? Edith Kingdon).]

[Mrs. George Gould (ne? Edith Kingdon).]

Countess Barbelini  Arnudi (Arnudee) neé Hattie Lewis [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]

Countess Barbelini Arnudi (Arnudee) neé Hattie Lewis [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]

[Countess Constantovitch (née Annie Cutting.)]

[Countess Constantovitch (née Annie Cutting.)]

[Duchess of Manchester (neé Consuelo Yznaga) with her son, William Montagu.]

[Duchess of Manchester (neé Consuelo Yznaga) with her son, William Montagu.]

[Ada Rehan as Rosalind in "As You Like It".]

[Ada Rehan as Rosalind in "As You Like It".]

[Johnston Forbes-Robertson as Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet".]

[Johnston Forbes-Robertson as Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet".]

Miss Edna May "The Belle of New York"

Miss Edna May "The Belle of New York"

[Lily Langtry in "An Unequal Match".]

[Lily Langtry in "An Unequal Match".]

[Sarah Bernhardt in the title role of "La Tosca".]

[Sarah Bernhardt in the title role of "La Tosca".]

[Sarah Bernhardt in "La Dame aux Camelias".]

[Sarah Bernhardt in "La Dame aux Camelias".]

Archduke Maximilian of Austria [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]

Archduke Maximilian of Austria [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]

Major General G. B. McClellan

Major General G. B. McClellan

Arch Duke of Austria; [Capn?] [...] aged 96 years [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]

Arch Duke of Austria; [Capn?] [...] aged 96 years [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]

Major General G. B. McClellan

Major General G. B. McClellan

Lady Catherine Duer

Lady Catherine Duer

[Edith Gresham as Countess de Lage in "The Women".]

[Edith Gresham as Countess de Lage in "The Women".]

[Selina V. Morris.]

[Selina V. Morris.]

Mrs. John Penfold (Phoebe Ann Willis)

Mrs. John Penfold (Phoebe Ann Willis)

Mrs. James Beekman (Jane Ketaltas)

Mrs. James Beekman (Jane Ketaltas)

Mrs. Richard Caton (Polly Carroll)

Mrs. Richard Caton (Polly Carroll)

[Countess Granville.]

Accession number F2012.58.585 
Unique identifier MNY319029 
Dated 1870-1890 
Object Type cabinet card
Physical dimensions H: 6 1/2 in, W: 4 1/4 in 
File dimensions 12.1 in × 18.3 in at 300dpi
30.9 cm × 46.5 cm at 300dpi 

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