[Mrs. George Gould (ne? Edith Kingdon).]
Countess Barbelini Arnudi (Arnudee) neé Hattie Lewis [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]
[Countess Constantovitch (née Annie Cutting.)]
[Duchess of Manchester (neé Consuelo Yznaga) with her son, William Montagu.]
[Ada Rehan as Rosalind in "As You Like It".]
[Johnston Forbes-Robertson as Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet".]
Miss Edna May "The Belle of New York"
[Lily Langtry in "An Unequal Match".]
[Sarah Bernhardt in the title role of "La Tosca".]
[Sarah Bernhardt in "La Dame aux Camelias".]
Archduke Maximilian of Austria [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]
Major General G. B. McClellan
Arch Duke of Austria; [Capn?] [...] aged 96 years [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]
Lady Catherine Duer
[Edith Gresham as Countess de Lage in "The Women".]
[Selina V. Morris.]
Mrs. John Penfold (Phoebe Ann Willis)
Mrs. James Beekman (Jane Ketaltas)
Mrs. Richard Caton (Polly Carroll)