Dr. Robt. Koch
Dr. Luther Gulick
Capt. Bob Bartlett of the "Roosevelt"
Dr. F. A. Cook
Mary E. Woolley
Lombroso and Louis Lombard
W. R. Hearst
E. Thompson Seton
[Admiral Robert E. Peary and Robert A. Bartlett.]
Walter Averill [Averell] Harriman
Liberian Commission. Geo. Sale, R. P. Faulkner, Geo. A. Finch, Sec'y.
Jas. H. Scarr
F. D. Underwood
J. H. McCooey
W. J. Conners
Clara Clemens
Mrs. Sophia M. Loebinger, Treas'r Nat'l Progressive Suffrage
T. C. Havemeyer
Chas. Page Bryan