John Hone [fils?]; John Hone [...] [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]
Mr. Clinton; Mrs. [May?] [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]
[William H. Tailer.]
[Unidentiified man]; Wille Forsyth [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]
[Brockholst Morgan.]
[Francis R. Appleton.]
[Unidentified man.]
[August Belmont.]
[John Howard Van Amringe.]
[Captain F. R. Appleton.]
[John L. Sullivan.]
[Mayor Jimmy Walker walking down a street.]
[Mayor Jimmy Walker with three unidentified men.]
Sons of E. H. Harriman [with] John Townsend
[Ice skating show, man in top hat.]
[Chauncey M. Depew.]
[Andrew Haswell Green.]
[James A. Herne as Joe Fletcher in "Margaret Fleming".]
[Aaron Lebedeff.]