[Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury.]
[Governor Hebert H. Lehman during a radio address after the first day of the draft for World War II.]
We Could Cook Japs Quicker With Gas.
Testimonial Dinner to Hon. Henry Morgenthau - Ambassador to Turkey
Certificate of Cooperation
Save to Defend America
"Rosie the Riveter" summer jumpsuit in synthetic blue broadcloth
Exit the Axis
Unity Rally
[Albuquerque mayor Clyde Tingley and Mayor Jimmy Walker being interviewed by a radio announcer as a man in traditional Native American dress watches.]
[Symbolic representation of the Allied Nations in World War II.]
"Rosie the Riveter," muted blue wool jumpsuit
50 Years of New York
Army Air Forces I Fighter Command Aircraft Warning Service
Defense of Democracy
The Axis Boys Act
More Production
United States of America War Ration Book One
Emergency Facilities Available in Event of Enemy Action