[Seymour Rexite.]
Molly Picon
[Molly Picon.]
[Max Perlman and Seymour Rexite.]
[Miriam Kressyn and Seymour Rexite.]
[Seymour Rexite and Aaron Lebedeff with an unidentified woman.]
[Irving Jacobson and Molly Picon.]
[A group of Yiddish actors at a party.]
[Sylvia Regan Ellstein, Seymour Rexite and Abraham Ellstein.]
[Abraham Ellstein on South African tour with Molly Picon.]
[Thelma Mintz and Seymour Rexite.]
Molly Picon "Jankele" [Molly Picon in the title role of "Yankele".]
[Molly Picon in "Yankele".]
[Group of Yiddish actors.]
[Chaim Tauber, Miriam Kressyn, and Seymour Rexite in "Anna Lucasta".]