[Group of Yiddish actors.]
"You Are Beautiful To Me"
[Lili Liliana, Miriam Kressyn, Seymour Rexite and Shmulik Goldstein in Shimon Dzigan's "From Israel With Laughter".]
[A group of Yiddish actors at a party.]
[Miriam Kressyn and Seymour Rexite.]
[Sylvia Regan Ellstein, Seymour Rexite and Abraham Ellstein.]
[Abraham Ellstein, Zvee Scooler, Miriam Kressyn and Menasha Skulnik at WEVD.]
[Leo Fuchs and Miriam Kressyn.]
[Cast of an unidentified production directed by Jacob Jacobs.]
[Chaim Tauber, Miriam Kressyn, and Seymour Rexite in "Anna Lucasta".]
Maurice Schwartz, Director Yiddish Art Theatre of America
Maurice Schwartz
What I Would Want [Music for "Wish Me Luck".]
[Maurice Schwartz and Leo Fuchs.]
[Yetta Zwerling.]
[Maurice Schwartz with cast members from "Three Generations".]
[Maurice Schwartz with the Yiddish Art Theatre troupe.]
[Miriam Kressyn and Maurice Schwartz in "The Brothers Ashkenazi".]