[Unidentified man.]
[William Farnum, Mabel Bert and an unidentified actress.]
[Unidentified actress.]
[Unidentified performers.]
[Cast from an unidentified production.]
[Lucy Levine in an unidentified production.]
[Theater still of an unidentified production.]
[Itzik Feld and Lola Spielman.]
[Jacob Ben-Ami and unidentified actress.]
["Yoshe Kalb" theater still.]
[Unidentified actress in "Her Last Dance".]
[Actresses in Jacob Preger's "The Water Carrier".]
[Joshua Zeldis and unidentified actress in "The King and the Cobbler".]
[Lucy Levine and Gertrude Bullman in an unidentified production.]
[Lucy Levine and another actress in an unidentified musical.]
[Lucy Levine.]