[Grace M. Mayer.]
Grace Mayer
Untitled [Grace Mayer, former curator at MCNY, in a doorway with an unidentified man.]
Portrait of Grace Mayer
Untitled [Grace Mayer, former curator at MCNY, at a party.]
Untitled [Grace Mayer at a luncheon with Peter Galassi, curator of photography at MoMA.]
Untitled [Grace Mayer, former curator at MCNY, at a luncheon or dinner party.]
[Grace M. Mayer touring the Selling the World of Tomorrow exhibition with Bonnie Yochelson.]
[Reginald Marsh and Grace M. Mayer with Marsh's painting "Steeplechase Park, Coney Island, 1944" at the Museum of the City of New York.]
[Grace M. Mayer with assisstant Patricia Pulling at the opening of Currier and Ives exhibiton at the Museum of the City of New York.]
For Attorney General - Julius M. Mayer
[Meredith Erskine, unidentified man, Sophie Tucker and Virginia Wertheimer at Louis B. Mayer's birthday party.]
Grace Mayer in print room, MCNY, showing collection
[Sophie Tucker and two unidentified men at Louis B. Mayer's birthday party.]
[John Cockerill with an unidentified man.]
[Unidentified portrait.]