[John Purroy Mitchel.]
Dinner to John Purroy Mitchell by the Lotos Club
Dinner to the Honorable the Mayor John Purroy Mitchel, His Cabinet and a Possible Cabinet of a Mayor of the Future
We Mourn our Loss, John Purroy Mitchel;
["John Purroy Mitchel" bust and ornamental wall.]
Dinner to Deputy-Chief John J. Burns New York Fire Department by his friends
Celebrated Oil Painting of the Great Battle of Gettysburg by Paul Philipoteaux on Exhibition
4th Annual Staff Dinner - Holland Tunnel
[Lots for sale in the Upper West Side.]
Dinner to the Right Hon. Lord Herschell
[Isaac Lichtenstein with Sam and Lilly Ostroff at the Jewish Museum.]
[Folksbiene ensemble.]
[A dinner of the members of the Hobby Club on December 19.]
Cyrus Clark and his Guests at the Dinner Given him by the West End Asssociation at the Ansonia, December 12, 1903
Broadway & 78th - 79th Streets [Broadway & 43rd Street to End of Broadway]
Vorst's Century Sea Grill
Riverside Drive, from Hudson River Near Eighty-sixth Street, New York.
[Cast of an unidentified Folksbiene production.]