Adolf Berle
Nora Kaye.
Leo Pasvolsky
[Danny Kaye.]
Danny Kaye--Wonder Man
Don Freeman's Newsstand [Two men carrying shovels.]
Nora Kaye in Antony Tudor's ballet "Dim Lustre".
Don Freeman's Newsstand [Three men on a bench.]
Orson Welles directs "Native Son". [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Danny Kaye
Secretary Forrestal
Don Freeman's Newsstand [Uniformed men smoking and talking as they lean on cars.]
Ethel, the Bowery Queen, Sammy's, NYC, 1946
The Weehawken Ferry Story [Ferry employee in an office.]
The Weehawken Ferry Story [Former ferry employee.]
[Copy negative of a man in Army uniform for F. P. Keppel, c/o Carnegie Foundation.]
[Portrait of William Davis Hassler.]
[The Union League Club resolution to remember Pearl Harbor.]