[David Kessler as Yankel Shapshovitch in Sholem Asch's "God of Vengeance".]
[Rudolph Schildkraut in "God of Vengeance".]
[Sketch by Art Young of Rudolph Schildkraut in "God of Vengeance".]
"God of Vengeance"
[Menasha Skulnik, possibly in "God of Vengeance".]
[Lazar Fried as Jonathan in "King Saul".]
Faith in God [Music for "The Power of Passion".]
[Lazar Fried as Chonon in S. Ansky's "The Dybbuk".]
[Lazar Fried as Chonon and Maurice Schwartz as The Messenger in S. Ansky's "The Dybbuk".]
[Copy of a newspaper clipping showing Mark Meyerson in "Back from Siberia" and David Kessler's "Every Woman".]
[Anna Teitelbaum as Mirele in "The Witch".]
[David Kessler in the title role of Leon Kobrin's "Yankel Boyle".]
[Bella Bellarina and Maurice Schwartz in "King Saul".]
[David Kessler.]
[David Kessler playing the title role in Leon Kobrin's "Yankel Boyle".]
Maurice Schwartz as "Noah Pandre" in "Song of the Dnieper" by Zalmen Schneour
[David Carey and Lillian Lux in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]
[Maurice Schwartz, Joseph Rumshinsky, Zalman Schneour, and David Licht holding a copy of "Song of the Dnieper".]