Richard Montgomery
John Jay, First Chief Justice of the United States
Death of Montgomery.
John J. Audubon
Alexander Hamilton as a Soldier
Washington's Interview with his Mother.
John Jacob Astor
Inauguration of Washington.
William Cullen Bryant
The Old Tennent Parsonage. On Manmouth Battlefield. Erected 1706.
Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam
Alexander McDougall
Robert Fulton
The First Cabinet
Israel Putnam Esqr., Major Général des Américains
Scout - 6th Continentals, Mass. - Whitcomb's Rangers Fort Ti - January 1777.
Color Sergeant - 2nd New Hampshire. - Poor's Fort Ti - 20 July 1776.
Sergeant of Marines - from 1st Penna. Bn Fort Ti. 16 August 1776.
Major, 3rd New Jersey Regt. Field Officer of the Day, Fort Ti., Dec. 1776. Jersey Blues.