"Rose of Chinatown"
"The Bloody Laughter"
"American Greenhorns"
"Tree of Knowledge"
"The Witch"
"Newly Rich"
"The Seven Who Were Hanged"
"The Great Jew"
"Kid Mother"
"The American Rabbi's Wife"
"Dance, Song and Wine"
Maurice Schwartz as "Noah Pandre" in "Song of the Dnieper" by Zalmen Schneour
"Forget Me Not"
"Children of the Underworld"
"With The Rabbi's Strength"
"A Paradise For Two"
[David Kessler as Yankel Shapshovitch in Sholom Asch's "God of Vengeance".]
"The Fiddle" [Music for "The Girl of Yesterday".]
[David Kessler as Yankel Shapshovitch in Sholem Asch's "God of Vengeance".]