Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam
Israel Putnam Esqr., Major Général des Américains
Genl. Israel Putnam.
Genl. Israel Putnam - "The Iron Son of '76."
General George Washington at the Battle of Trenton.
Maj. Gen. Philip Schuyler
Major General Nathaniel Greene
Washington and His Generals
Richard Montgomery
Rich'd Montgomery
Colonel Beverly Robinson
Alexander McDougall
Major, 3rd New Jersey Regt. Field Officer of the Day, Fort Ti., Dec. 1776. Jersey Blues.
Franklin's First Visit before King Louis XVI at Versailles, March 20, 1778.
Washington Taking Command of the American Army.
The "Minute-Men" of the Revolution.
Cornwallis is Taken!
Scout - 6th Continentals, Mass. - Whitcomb's Rangers Fort Ti - January 1777.
Death of Major Pierson, Defeat of French Troops, Saint Heliers, Jersey Jan 6, 1781.