Governor Hill & Staff of New York. Photograph from North side of Union Square [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
Samuel J. Tilden
Hon. David S. Bennett
[Peter Cooper.]
[Fred Warde in "The Exiles".]
D. S. Bennett
[Mrs. George B. McClellan (neé Georgiana Heckscher.)]
[Miss Caroline Murray Wilmerding (later Mrs. J. B. Trevor).]
[Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt II (neé Alice Claypoole Gwynne).]
[Miss Elizabeth "Bessie" Remsen Webb (later Mrs. George B. Parsons).]
[Mrs. Perry Belmont (neé Jessie Robbins).]
[Mrs. Harry Coster.]
[Countess Constantovitch (née Annie Cutting.)]
[Frederica Belmont.]
[William Black.]
[Mrs. Edward Luckemeyer (neé Helen Frings).]
[Mrs. [Brockholst?] Cutting.]
[Mrs. Nelsh.]
[Mrs R. Vail dressed as Turkey in a tableaux for the Women's Centennial Union.]