[Mrs. Francis C. Barlow.]
[Mrs. Frederic Rhinelander Jones (Mary Cadwalader Rawle), Mrs. Francis C. Barlow, Miss Strong and Miss Sandy[?].]
[Mrs. W. H. Schiefflin (neé Mary Jay).]
[Mr. Grund[?].]
[Mr. Irving Grinnell.]
[Mrs. Romelia L. Clapp.]
[Mr. John Lowry.]
[Mrs. James P. Kernochan (neé Katherine Lorillard).]
[Mrs. George L. Rives (neé Caroline Kean).]
[Peter Marié.]
[Misses Constance and Maud Rives.]
[Miss Sylvia Fowler.]
[Mrs. Livingston.]
[Mrs. Robert Livingston.]
[G. P. Wetmore.]
[Mr. Sands.]
[Mr. Chapman.]
[Mrs. William Garner.]