Panipinto Antonio, First Class Boot and Shoe Maker
M. Regan, Dealer in Fine Wines, Liquors & Segars
Gensler Bros.
F. & M. Schaefer's Golden Liquid Lager Bier
Industrial Gems. Compliments of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York
James Dunlop, Fine Boots and Shoes
From R. Hutcheson, Dealer in Fine Groceries
Sharkey's Magic Liquid Solder
[Wm. Eaton's Boots & Shoes.]
Karl Giese's Celebrated Wiener Lager Bier
Karl Giese, Bottler of Wiener Lager Bier
Meat Market
H. Sternau, Fine Boots and Shoes
Carrol & Regan Oyster Dealers
Go to W.C. Middlebrook's for Your Fine Boots and Shoes
Grand Sociable & Surprise, Given by Lady Friends
Runkel & Blumberg, Fashionable Shaving & Hair Cutting Studio
Opening of Fall & Winter Boots & Shoes at Edward Foland & Co.
Bennett's Book Store