61 Second Avenue. Interior, Dr. Meyer Wolff office
61 Second Avenue. Dr. Meyer Wolff office. Interior
61 Second Avenue. Dr. Meyer Wolff office and apartment building
[Interior, bathroom.]
[Interior, showroom with bathtubs and sinks.]
[Interior, shower room.]
[Hospital. Interior, detail of sink.]
[Residence. Interior, kitchen.]
[Hospital. Interior, lab at sink.]
[Interior, office.]
[Interior, showroom, sink display.]
East 52nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Apartment. Interior, bathroom showing square tub
[Interior, dentist office.]
[Hospital. Interior, examination room.]
565 West End Avenue. Apartment. Interior, bathroom
[East 98th Street, kitchen interior.]
[East 10th Street and Second Avenue. Apartment building.]
[Interior, locker room shower stall.]