[Fifth Avenue Bank.]
[Fifth Avenue and 44th Street.]
[44th Street and Fifth Avenue.]
44th Street and Fifth Avenue. Guaranty Trust Company
500 Fifth Avenue. Commercial building
681 Fifth Avenue. Former Dutton Building
44th Street and Fifth Avenue, northeast corner. Delmonico's. Showroom for Jackson Heights Apartments
44th Street and Fifth Avenue. Japanese War Commission, September, 1917
West 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue. Corn Exchange Bank
34th Street and Fifth Avenue. B. Altman and Company Store
[Bickfords restaurant, 505 Fifth Avenue.]
[Fifth Avenue Bank decorated for the 300th anniversary of the establishment of Manhattan Island as a trading post by the Dutch.]
45th Street and Vanderbilt Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank, Christmas Carolers
East 59th Street and Lexington Avenue. Dry Dock Savings Bank
5th Avenue and 44th Street. Harriman Bank, exterior.
44th Street and Fifth Avenue. Guaranty Trust Company. Interior, banking space
[Cammeyer Building, 677 Fifth Avenue.]