Geo H. Lamson, Sexton of the Church of the New Jerusalem, and Undertaker
George H. Lamson, Undertaker
John A. Lamson, Dentist
A. J. Case, General Undertaker and Undertaker for the United States Army
Dr. G. L. Lamson, Dental Surgeon
Chateau Moderne
Tenth Avenue and 50th Street [Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue, West 3rd Street to 23rd Street]
Côte D'Or
West 50th Street [43rd Street to 60th Street]
The Tavern
Mario & Louis
Giletti & Frank
West Side of Fifth Ave. 49 to 50 Sts.
St. Bartholomew's Church. General view of narthex.
St. Bartholomew's Church. Center of ceiling.
Geo. H. Buhsen