Ch. Haupt, Anatomical Boot & Shoe Maker
Karl Giese's Celebrated Wiener Lager Bier
M. Regan, Dealer in Fine Wines, Liquors & Segars
Karl Giese, Bottler of Wiener Lager Bier
F. & M. Schaefer's Golden Liquid Lager Bier
Industrial Gems. Compliments of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York
From R. Hutcheson, Dealer in Fine Groceries
Sharkey's Magic Liquid Solder
Grand Sociable & Surprise, Given by Lady Friends
Meat Market
A Raffle. The Bay Mare "Emma"
Carrol & Regan Oyster Dealers
Bennett's Book Store
Second Avenue and 23rd Street [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
George Rubel, Furniture and Carpets
Runkel & Blumberg, Fashionable Shaving & Hair Cutting Studio
Jack's Nest Southern Kitchen
482-484 Third Av. S.W. 33 St.
[North side of East 32nd Street between Third and Second Avenues.]